With all the unemployed citizens you would think more people would be spending some time giving back.

With all the unemployed citizens you would think more people would be spending some time giving back.

So this blog is going to start out as more of a journal blog until i get the swing of things down.

So i am bored stiff because i have been jobless for 1.5months, while my house is constantly clean i need to do more and keep active. I feel like i am gaining weight/ losing muscle mass because i am not nearly as active as would be if i where working. My husband says i am just down on myself, so today i tried a lil TLC today. Now i am feeling like i can get some online work done.

So last night i decide while i am waiting/ searching for a new job and or new opportunities i would start volunteering. I  used to do volunteer work growing up my parents were always active in some project either  be it through the Lion’s Club or 4-H. After going off to college the volunteering became center around the university and there was always an event to get involved with so it was easy. Now that i have settled into a career i find that i have completely disconnected from something that filled my weekends and my since of pride that i was contributing member of my community. In the last five years i have done very little to no volunteer work, so times are changing. Last night i started to research volunteers wanted in my area and found the lung association is having a even in the Sacramento which is near by so i signed up to volunteers on march 24th for half the day. Next i found and ranch near my home that does horse riding for disabled kids, they need volunteers to walk along side the horse while the kid is riding. I feel like this may be two birds with one stone, volunteering and exercise. So there is a meeting this Saturday to become qualified to help.

I  am hoping that by posting this blog i will hold myself to actually doing it!