Be prepare to beblown away

Are you sitting down??

Tuesday AM when i still had not seen AF i decided to do a HCG test. Nothing to abnormal right, another cycle another preg test. Well to be utter shock i got a BFP.

If you have been following my last few post i had written this cycle off and was looking into IVF. So i think i still don’t believe it to be true and either does hubby. Really i still keep check to see if Af is coming and with every lil cramp i think “Oh there it is”. I emailed my OB and she sent in for blood work. Which i still haven’t received the results from. However this morning i had another positive and tomorrow i go in for the 48hr blood work. Fingers crossed my numbers are doubling!! it will be a big hurdle for us to reach.

I we are in shock and it really isn’t sinking in. In fact when i showed hubby the positive test he went back to sleep after (WTF). I really don’t want to put the cart before the horse so i am not going to let myself get too emotionally attached as we all know so many things can happen in the next few weeks. I was going to wait to post this tomorrow or when we get some blood work confirmation but couldn’t hold it in.

We are happy but in shock and even a little what did we do. I guess this is what happens when you TTC. After nearly and a half and seven IUI’s countless meds we have a BFP. I cant tell you how strange it is to get to write this post, after reading so many others and slightly loosing a bit of hope with each passing cycle. I hope other TTC’ers find hope that it can and will happen for them too. I know it can be hard to read these post, but this is just as much a new journey of uncertainties starting for me.

Keep you posted!


Mrs. W.

22 thoughts on “Be prepare to beblown away

  1. Beaming over here for you! I know the firsy few months are shakey and unsure, but I am sending you so many positive vibes! I am just so thrilled you finally got a positive. It CAN happen! You deserve this.

  2. Wonderful news!!!
    Same thing happened to me when I wrote off my cycle: BFP!
    Take things niiice and easy for the next little while, you deserve it.

  3. Mrs. W- I am filled with so much joy for you! I know you have been struggling for quite some time and this is such fantastic news! Keep on with the updates looking forward to continuing rooting you on!

  4. WOOO HOOO! this is such fantastic news. i’m keeping you in my thoughts as you wait for your b/w. so happy for gives me hope to hear of a BFP when you’ve been through so much. amazing!

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